RSM Service
Bring Back the Snail Love!
We are in the process of seeking funding to bring Real Snail Mail™ back online. With your help we can bring new snails on board enabling thousands of waiting messages to be forwarded on their journey through time. Any donation will help to feed and house the snails and support the rebuilding of the software and website.
Give yourself some time
The moment you click 'send' your message travels at the speed of light to our server where it awaits collection by a real live snail. Yes, that's right we're not called real snail mail for nothing! When time is worth taking RSM is the service for you.

How it works
Our snails are equipped with a miniaturised electronic circuit and antenna, enabling them to be assigned messages. Your message is collected from a despatch centre at one end of their enclosure. Once associated with the tiny electronic chip on the snail's shell your message will be carried around until the snail chances by the drop off point. Here more hardware collects your message and forwards it to its final destination.

Real Snail Mail is just one of many innovative projects by boredomresearch see more...
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